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Rexing Deals
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Rexing specializes in designing, manufacturing and selling dash cams. They offer a variety of models that covers every drivers' specific needs.
Rexing Deals
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170W Phone Charger with Cable Was: $64.99 Now: $39.99
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M2 MAX 2-Channel Mirror Dash Cam 4K + 1080p with Wi-Fi & GPS Was: $229.99 Now: $179.99
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M2-4 4-Channel Mirror Dash Cam, 12” Touch Screen, 1080p with GPS Was: $299.99 Now: $249.99
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M4 4-CHANNEL MIRROR DASH CAM 12” Touch Screen Mirror Dash Cam, 1080p with GPS Was: $299.99 Now: $249.99
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RoadMate CPDuo Pro Multimedia Receiver with Dashcam Was: $199.99 Now: $179.99
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V1P SE 4K Dual Channel Dash Cam with GPS, Wi-Fi & Bonus CPL Filters Was: $199.99 Now: $159.99
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V55 Dash Cam – 4K Modular Capabilities, 5.0 GHz Wi-Fi, and GPS Car Dash Camera Recorder Was: $199.99 Now: $149.99
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Rexing specializes in designing, manufacturing and selling dash cams. They offer a variety of models that covers every drivers' specific needs.
Rexing Categories:
Consumer Electronics
Sporting Goods
Outdoor Recreation
Hunting & Shooting
Vehicles & Parts
Motor Vehicle Electronics
Rexing Tags:
dash cameras
dash cams
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